**My taugh of globaloria**

Yes I enjoy globaloria because is fun beause I enjoy doing my own game that is one thing that i enjoy of globaloria.What is one thing that i don't enjoy of globaloria is tha the flash is kind of hard.Yes I enjoy this class because l like to design my own game.I enjoy the class because I can made my own game.
what have i learned of globaloria?
I have learned of globaloria how to do my game.Another thing that I have leaned is how to do well on flash.Example My example is my learning log.Yes i like to blog because bloging,bloging is good becuse you know what is hapining each day and also you write and writing is good for your brain.I like to blog because reding,and writing help your brain to do better on tests and so tou can concentrate.My currencly working is my paper prototype.A paper prototype is to desing a game,well to create a game.I whant to learn better on flash.Because flash is the most hard thing for me.Are game concept is about air polution.Are idea is coming up by we alredy know how is going to be are game by pess stert chose a boy gril red instruction to know how to play the game.Yes i'am verry exited to create my game because i relly didin't know how to stert or design a game.I was exited because i didi't understand how to create a game and now i know it.
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