Thursday, March 25, 2010

Working in flash this week

     Working  in flash
For me when it comes for me on programation is hard because i tell ana for help but she dosen't want to help me.Yes i pay attention but i don't  understand it so much so i ask Ana if she can help me but she says that she dosen't understand it so much to so i think both need help.Also i understaand the part whereit says draw the rectangle and that but the rest i don't understand it.I think we all need help.I think that i will understand more flash and more confortable  if  Ms.Miller can help us and the ones that understand more flash can sit by the one's that don't know or understand flash that way the ones that know and understand flash help the ones that don't know or understand flash.I think that flash is important because are game and the designs we are doing them on glash and if we don't pay attention or we don't care about flash are grade is going to come down.And we are not going to pass this class and for all the students is important to pass this class.I think to become a flash expert we are going to neeed Mrs.Miller help because she is the only one that know's alot of flash i think to became a relly good flash expert we need to see alot of flash tutorials so we can understand it more.No i don't think that in the classroom keep me away from learning because we all worck together and Mrs.Miller help us and all the class is putting alot of effort  on flash.Almost every one dosen't understand flash because almost every one ask Mrs.Miller for help.I also think that some of the studets are not putting so much effort because they don't care.I think that the solution for this is that Mrs.Miller need to talk to them and tell them why are they not paying attention and not putting so much effort i that that is the solution.Yes i think that the flash tutorials are helping us because it is explaining us what to do to do are worck on flash correct.I think that the way to help my self to undersand it more is
that i need to watch more flas tutorials.Yes i'am learnind about flash yes i think that flash is going to help me in are future because are future is school and at school we have technology and that is part of are grade.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Spring breack

Field Day

                                         Great Time On Field Day
On field day we where playing on diffrent activites.My first activity that i play  was with Mrs.Estrada .One of the things that i did with Mrs.Estrada was that i needed to give to her the 8 steps of the TNT.And if we give her the right 8 steps  the girls win a shirt and a boys a bag .Onother thing that i did with Mrs.Estrada is that we play duck-duck-goose.My second activity that i did was to trow a pie to ms.penticuff.It was relly funny because she had alot of cream all over her hair,face,shirt and pants.I did like that activity.Then my third activity was with Mr.Brafford we play dodgeball then Ms.Perez class came and we play against them we have a great time playing together.Then after that i spend the most of the time with my friends we weere having a great time but then the techers told us that we needed to go back to are classes.So yes i enjoy playing with my techers and friends hope  that happen again.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The visit of shannon sullivan with globaloria

What are the things that i have learned about Shannon is that we got to see other students game ideas and i like them.I have learned that  are gamr is going to look good if we add some rulesand i think that the people who play will like the ideas what do they don't supose to do.That is one thing that i have learned that  we can add the rules to are game.Another thing that i learned is that we need to explain how are game is going to worck.How do i feel about flash  is that i think that now i understand more than before.At the bigining i didin't understand flash but now i understand more.What are the thing that i understand  or that help me understand flash is that Mrs.Miller put or show us in the screen how to put are drawing from flash to are wiki.I think that most of the students understand that because we needed to follow her steps so we can put are drawing on flash.Yes i think that now i know how to put a picture swf or fla is more easy to me if we can do this for a week and then i think that more of the students will get it.I think flash will help my future because this will help are grade and if we don't now how to use flash are grade is going to go down.So yes i think that way is going to be more easier for ussss.Now Globaloria is more easy to me.

Friday, March 5, 2010


                                     *TEAM PROGRESS*
Yes we are geting pretty much along we teamworck videoareall working together well this week i was sick so i could not help my team so much but yesturday i draw them the introduction on flash.Now there are no issues on are team i think that right now  we are doing pretty much okay.but yes sometimes the boys play and don't lisen to us.Yes that i know every one had been what they supose to be doing i'am the only one that had not do so much worck but alexis.c give the introductionto draw it in flash and i did it so i think that right now we are doing  all the worck that Mrs.Miller and Alexis.c has give to us.I  feel good with are game the game has come along now that we are in groups we don't have no problem Mrs.Miller told us that are game is good.Yes i feel that we have a better topic now that we are in groups i didin't like mine because it was about skin cancer and i didin't know what to put on it and i think tha mine was boring.


                                                 DRAWING IN FLASH 

 Thursday, and  Friday we where drawing in flash   experience is that is kind of easy and is relly fun.The only problem that i have in drawing inflash is that i get relly easy mest up to begin again and agin and then i finally finish.But is relly fun because we can draw with alot of things.I like drawing i  think that is why i think it was fun because i like drawing alot.Yes i  learn new technoques like about what tools are for draw the houses and how to paint them.Yes i didin't know how to use those tools before.My game subject is about first you need to press playthen is going to show the introduction  then pick a (boy)or(girl) then pick where do you whant to play we give them alot of choises like 4 example at home at the mountains and more fun places the next thing is going to show that you need to type in your name and then you can start playing.Yes we have new thing we draw in flash are game and we are going to put it on the wiki.That is the only thing that i know i don't know so much because i wasnt here almost all the whole week.