Friday, February 26, 2010

snowing on tuesday

Snowing on Tuesday
I did like the snow on tuesday because that day we left early home.I alsom like that day because we didin't have the oportunity before to go home to early we went home at 12:00am.Also when i got home i left my backpack on my room and then was outside doing little snowman's.My experience of see snow i was happy because i have never see snow before.Sometimes on the news they said that maybe there were going to snow but i didin't snow.I am also happy that day because on that day it was my birthday.I was lukey because never on my birthday that i remember it didin't snow.And yea i feel happy and exited see snow.I wish it happen again.

Monday, February 22, 2010

working with my team mates

How do i feel working with my team mates?
I feel working with my team mates that we all worck good together because we help each other.Like Alexis.c is the leader and she help us with the ideas and the game cration.Diana.v help us with the writing and the drawings.Jonathan.L help us with the speking on the presentation and also he help us with the turning in the worck to Ms.Miller.Fransisco.D help us with the math and with the game heis the game desiner and hw also is the wiki learning log person beacuse he is good DEFAJat updateing the learning log.
And me Aleida.s i help them with the the drawings the math problems and i'am the the graphic desiner beacause i'am organize and i'am also a good designer on creating are game.I think we all are a good team by helping each other.
How do i feel presenting are paper-proyotype?
How did i feel presenting are team proyo-type is that we did a very good job but the problem with M.Dana.Alexis and Fransisco is that we need to spek more loud if it was not for Jonathan we were going to get a bad grade but we got a good grade are grade was the heighest from all the class GROUP :C.No i think that we don't need help because the only problem is are voice all the class and Mrs.Miller told us that we are good the only problem is are voice and that are game is understandable.
What are some frustations?Some frustations that i have or are team have are that sometimes the boys are playing and don't lisen that is the only frustation.My team name is DAFAJ

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

  • What role do i get????My role is a graphic designer a graphic designer is a person  who design or who help to design the game.
  • What i'am good at this role???I'am good att this role by i give them an idea how do the game can be intresting and also what look's good on the game.
  • Do i have any disagredments with my teammades???Not relly i donn't have any diagedments with the team because we all help each other for equal well the only one tha relly dosen' do nothing is Jonathan ledesma.
  • The disagredment tha i have with him is that he is always playing with other boys and he dosen't come  to school all the time.And well we have not resolve it i think we should talk to him and tell him that he need's to participate.
  • What do i almost look forword to create my game??I look forward to my game so all kind of people can play it and they love it.
  • what was my inspiration to my game??what is my inspiration is so all people can play it.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


What can i say o think that i tink that all the games that the other teams are making are prety much a very good idea.Are game name is*dafaj* in are grup we all did a prety much job.In my group is Alexis.C,Diana,Aleida,Francisco and Jonathan,L.We all put a little bit of 0f esforset to get are game pretty much a good game.Diana draw/Alexis it was giving us ideas and she write/Francisco is the one that  create the game jonothen well jonothan he was not here so he didin"t do nothing/and me i write diana write francisco write and alexis.c write 2 that's how we made are game crative and prety much a very good game.Well yes i have alot of fun with this game because is about designing a game and that is relly fun well for me it is i like working with Alexis.C,Diana,Francisco and Jonothan.L.No i didin't find anithing dificult because we work all together and when we work together and hard all is less dificult.Yes i find the inportance of are game because that is countting us for a grade and also is what we are doing this year a game.Work with a group for my first time well i relly enjoy it we work relly hard and we did a pretty good job.The thgings that i like of my group is tha we work hard and the things that i don't like is that some times the boys on are grou they don't pay attention and don't help us we need to do all th work.I tink tha we will progress by all need to do a litlle bit of work because that is why the techer put us in groups to help eachother.And the boys if they don't lisen need to talk to the techer and pay more atention because is not just going down his grade are grade to.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Globaloria Awsome Blog Quiz

                  **My taugh of  globaloria**
What are my taughs about globaloria is that I think that globaloria is awsome.I think that globaloria is awsome because I think that is good to do are own game.I think that is globaloria is cool because I think that the learling log is awsome because we can write what is hapining each day so if we whant to reviw what we have learned  we know what had we do.I also think that globaloria is hard because well I don't undrstand the flash that is th most hard thing for me. Do I enjoy this class?
Yes I enjoy globaloria because is fun  beause I enjoy doing my own game that is one thing that i enjoy of globaloria.What is one thing that i don't enjoy of globaloria is tha the flash is kind of hard.Yes I enjoy this class because l like to design my own game.I enjoy the class because I can made my own game.
 what have i learned of globaloria?
I have learned of globaloria how to do my game.Another thing that I have leaned is how to do well on flash.Example My example is my learning log.Yes i like to blog because bloging,bloging is good becuse you know what is hapining each day and also you write and writing is good for your brain.I like to blog because reding,and writing help your brain to do better on tests and so tou can concentrate.My currencly working is my paper prototype.A paper prototype is to desing a game,well to create a game.I whant to learn better on flash.Because flash is the most hard thing for me.Are game concept is about air polution.Are idea is coming up by we alredy know how is going to be are game by pess stert chose a boy gril red instruction to know how to play the game.Yes i'am verry exited to create my game because i relly didin't know how to stert or design a game.I was exited because i didi't understand how to create a game and now i know it.