Monday, January 25, 2010

Mini Game Project

What can i said about my  last week is that i learn alot of things like about flash.I learn about flash how to go whit the steps i learn that is nesesary to go with the steps because if you do not follow them you can mest up.I learn how to help others so they can understand about how to move their bunny is relly hard and a little bit essay but most of the time is hard.Is hard because if you  don"t fallow the steps because you get lost.I know how to convert bunny/rabbit/carrot/wolf/mushrooms.What else can i said about that is hard to the part when  they call that ladie and we didn"t fallow the steps and we got all mest up.When we talk to that ladie i did it what she said but then it erese.what is my experience about flash that they need to pay alot of attention because is esay to get lost.The best part of my wiki is that when you convert the rabbit on sinbol.Is hard when you get to move the bunny.Technology games because they are fun.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


what do i think about flash!!!!!
How do i feel  about flash is that i feel a little bit understanding. I feel a little bit understanding because i don"t understand the part of the bunny and the carrot.The other parts and all the rest is  understand. I like flash because flash is a little bit intresting.Is a little bit intresting because you can made your own game and you can made the rabbit move...Also i feel about flash that is not esay because if you don't do it the rigth  thing tou can mest up all of your game.Also is hard because you do a lot of things and you don"t know how are you doing them. Is relly hard but is for some reson that your game is going to be a cool game.I feel good on the mini game project because it is intresting.But yes i feel kin off good the thing is that they are a lot of steps.I think that we supose to worck with a partner because we can help each other.That"s what i feel and think about flash.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My game idea

why do i pick skincancer?????????!!!! And my main idea?????
My game idea of the game is that i want the people who is plaing my game to know that i want my game about skincancer.Some of the people are asking why do she pick skincancer and not onother thing.Well wat can i said i pick skin cancer because some people think that they don"t know how do they got skincancer and some people don't care but wen they get skincancer they are very worried.So that is why i want them to know that they need to protect their body because is not esey to get of the skin cancer well i think that the skincancer never get"s off.

why do i think other people should play it?????!!!!!!!!!!
How i was telling you i want other people to know that they need to protect their body

i want players to know how to protect their body and to know that skin cancer is bad.