A way that me and my family celebrate it is that we make some Mexican food on honor for does who die during the battle.Last year in my elementary school we use to have a free day.First we use to kids dance.After that we use to go to the park and then it was already time for us to go home.My family and i celebrate by inviting people to are house to go eat with us.I think that the presentation from yesterday was okay.The lady explain very good the colors of the Mexican flag.I also think that is not fair that the kids in Mexico don"t need to go to school and the we need to.Yes i had asked them and they told me that for them that day is rely inportant.No i don't know if i have any faugh in the war with the french people.There were going to be diffrent by people not celebrating the civilwar or cinco de mayo.I think that if the french people had won the war will not be better the french people will treat the mexican"s bad.I think that the proverty and drugs wars mexico dealitin will be relly bad in thins day well i wish u a