what do i think about flash!!!!!
How do i feel about flash is that i feel a little bit understanding. I feel a little bit understanding because i don"t understand the part of the bunny and the carrot.The other parts and all the rest is understand. I like flash because flash is a little bit intresting.Is a little bit intresting because you can made your own game and you can made the rabbit move...Also i feel about flash that is not esay because if you don't do it the rigth thing tou can mest up all of your game.Also is hard because you do a lot of things and you don"t know how are you doing them. Is relly hard but is for some reson that your game is going to be a cool game.I feel good on the mini game project because it is intresting.But yes i feel kin off good the thing is that they are a lot of steps.I think that we supose to worck with a partner because we can help each other.That"s what i feel and think about flash.