Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A-Maze-ing math-Educational games

The game that i play is callmaze-ing-math is like a math game.The game is about a little rabit that you need to presusre the keys so the rabit cant move.This game looks really fun that wen you see it you want to playit.the game need to have onother colors like blue and black.And the rbitt cant be like a yelow rabit.the game helps you learn about some math.Like soe adition,multiplcation,divition and substract.This game it looks really funn.this game is clearly.wha do we need to add to user is that the game before i don"t understand anything because it dosent tellus so mu details.And evrygame needs to now whats this game about but this one i dont understand any thying.Ifigurate that you need to push the kees so the rabitt cant move because i stert pushing all buttons and then when i push the keys the rabitt start moving that was funny because the rabitt start runing and then i understand th game.Ths game is a little bt good and funy.One sugestion or opition is is that you need to explain more th game all the rest bis ok because this is the most fun game i never play.One thing about the game is that the rabitt was cute the numbers are pretybut it will good if they were blue.the rabitt was bejin the numbers.the contet was so cool.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

montez de durango

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This video is about that a man need to go to the united states to go to worck. he left there kids with ther mother. and one time he call to the house and his kid answer and said daddy when are you commig back.he said he is wiorcking for her darer that she is turning now 15 that he is going back to dance with his darer.he tol the kid to sai hello to his mom,sister,and his little brother.lagrimas del corazon


love you!!!!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

what do i learn

what do i learn today is how to Post a picture for are blogger .1 we go find the picture 2 we press save ass a picture and them we put a number or a letter and then we put view are Post an there is the picture.other thing that i learn to Post a blog Post.

Monday, September 14, 2009

technology class

What i have learned is how to do ,G mail,blogger, and a wiki. other thing that i have learned is vocabulary words.what i want to know is when we have a computer problem is how to fixed.

technology class

what i learned in this class is how to do a gmail, bloger, and a gmail. what i learn are vocavulary words